Occupy Your Assets

kristySRI/ESG News, Advisors' Forum

Occupy Your Assets
By Timothy Nash – February 06, 2012

The author is hosting special Lunch ‘n Learn sessions this week at the Centre for Social Innovation. Join him on Friday, Feb. 10th noon @ CSI Spadina (215 Spadina Ave, 4th floor) and Monday, Feb. 12 noon @ CSI Annex (720 Bathurst, 3rd floor).

Three years ago, I started my company Strategic Sustainable Investments to facilitate the shift of money in a more sustainable direction. Recently, there has been an explosion of interest in my work, and I’ve received an avalanche of requests from friends to help shift their money. It seems more and more people are becoming unhappy with their banks and investment advisors. They feel that their money may be perpetuating the problem, instead of funding a better future. This article is an attempt to simplify the process of shifting 100% of your liquid assets into accounts and funds that help build a sustainable economy.

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