Thoughts on Memorial Day from Envision Solar

Jay OwenGlobal Citizen

“We echo these thoughts of our partner Envision Solar’s CEO Dennis Wheatley, in saluting and thanking all those who have sacrificed for our common future.

~Hazel Henderson and the Ethical Markets Team“


Thoughts on Memorial Day from Envision Solar

Memorial Day is an annual holiday we take so that we might remember those who gave their lives whilst serving in our nation’s military. “Take” and “give” are words which carry rather more importance than their typical daily use might suggest. For every giver there is a taker and for every taker giver must exist (voluntarily or otherwise). One can picture a set of scales in which the taking sits on one side and the giving on the other. Most of us wish the giving would outweigh the taking. Alas, the opposite often occurs.

The giving of our lives is something which, thankfully, most of us will never have to contemplate. We are able to live and to give and take as we see fit without having to sacrifice much of anything. That’s a privilege we enjoy because others did give everything to protect something that was important to them and, if only we think about it for a moment, to us too.

Because they gave we are not called upon to do the same.

While the giving side of the scales is a clear and obvious route to contributing to our community, there can also be great impact in what and how we take. Do we take more than we give? Do we take in harmful or selfish ways? Do we take in ways that respect those who gave their lives so that we can continue to take? Do we, perhaps, take in ways that might lead to more of our fellow citizens having to make that ultimate sacrifice in the future?

At Envision Solar we believe in contributing to a future in which there is abundance in, and equal access to, the core essentials for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We are creating products which, we believe, will allow people to take in ways which are not harmful, and which do not put others at risk. We’re thankful for the opportunity to do this. This weekend in particular, we thank our team of combat veterans (the lucky ones) and we especially remember and thank those that gave everything so that we might continue to pursue this vision.

Desmond Wheatley | President and CEO
On behalf of everyone at Envision Solar International, Inc.