Tamera is a model for the future in construction.

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What is a model?

“A model is a part of the whole which is big enough to represent all the essential parts, and small enough to perceive and correct mistakes and choose a new direction. A model can be used as a feedback system. Impacts of actions which are difficult to analyze in the overall system can be detected and corrected in a model.” (Tamera Book)
How can a community come together in such a way that it can reorganize and restructure itself? The Tamera community has been using the medium of art for this. Presently, everybody is painting whenever he or she has time… in all seriousness and serenity, following the spirit of joy and light. By being together so intensively, a kind of “uterus” has emerged, a deep coming-together in which all questions can be posed anew and looked at. Mistakes can be perceived and priorities reset. Along the way, new connections emerge and new decisions are made, and often, we are reminded of the following quote from the biologist Lynn Margulis: “If we wanted to survive the ecological and social crisis which we have caused, we would have to engage in radically new and dramatic community enterprises.”

In particular, this process is rebuilding the core of the Tamera community, the Political Ashram, a modern monastery for compassion with the world, for a contemporary spirituality, for communication with all living beings and for free thinking. Connected with this core, this center, the Tamera community can openheartedly decentralize and go on building its projects like the Tamera University, the SolarVillage, the Water Retention Landscape, the Aldeia da Luz and the School of the Future.

News from the Tamera University and the Global Campus:

The new team of the Tamera University finished the first month of the Basic semester. It was an intensive study time with most different elements. Three more months will follow, and it will go on until the end of August. The Campus has become an area from which new impulses radiate on the whole of Tamera. And this is the aim: Tamera, in its entirety, shall become a University in which the basis for a new culture will be researched, studied, taught. More: http://www.tamera.org/index.php?id=770

Aldeia Portuguesa: A group of Portuguese people took part in the first weeks of the Basic semester.   Some of them want to found communities as an answer to the ecomonic crisis of the country and the desertification of the south. A group has formed which will build a bridge to the movements of the Portuguese cities, while some of them will stay in Tamera and in the neighbourhood.

Philip Munyasia, founder of OTEPIC in Kenya, took part as well. During his weeks in Tamera he was able to set new directions for his project with the motto: Join the real food revolution. During July and August, Philip will be in Germany and Switzerland to present his project at as many places as possible to find friends and supporters. Those who want to organize events with him between July 15 and 30 or August 15 and 22, please write to: [email protected]
Current information on the state of OTEPIC:http://www.tamera.org/fileadmin/PDF/PDF2/Projekt_Expose_Otepic_update_June_2012.pdf

The Tamera Summer University this year, from August 1 – 10, 2012, 
will be a festival with the motto: “Towards a new culture: from refusal to re-creation.” From the invitation: “We call upon all who are no longer willing to wait, upon all who do not want to give up: Let us come together globally to start working on a new future! Let us establish autonomous centers in which new thoughts can be concretely put into practice, where they can be taught and learned. These will be the global signposts and models for a new age. Let us establish educational centers and universities in which the skills needed to create a new epoch can be taught. Let us learn the professions necessary to serve global peace.” At the same time, the Summer University will be an economic experiment. Tamera has decided not to take fixed fees, but every participant pays what he or she can pay. We want to make it possible for all committed, interested people and peace workers to take part. And we want to find out if we still can generate the money that Tamera needs in this way. More: http://www.tamera.org/index.php?id=657

From the Seminar and Guest Center:

There are some changes and new offers from Tamera‘s seminar center:
New: Introduction weeks Technology:  from June 23 – 30 and from August  25 to September 1, we will have two introduction weeks with the technology team of Tamera‘s SolarVillage Testfield for developing decentralized energy recources.
Education in building a water retention space from August 13 to September 1: An education and training time for the practical know-how of building a water retention landscape. Two lakes will be built together with participants from different countries, an opportunity to learn theory and practise of alternative water management. With Bernd Müller and Tamera‘s ecology team.
Extended until September 30: “A votre Service,”  the opportunity to work in Tamera. Many interns have used it as a combination of helping to build the model, work and community experience. This year, we extend this time period until the end of September.

All events and seminars from March to November and more information:


More news from Tamera:

Report on the second Water Symposium in Tamera, April 26-29, 2012. In these times of worldwide water crisis, Tamera and the Grace Foundation have invited specialists and decision makers from different countries and different fields of knowledge to their 2nd International Water Symposium. While there are ever more people, animals and ecosystems on earth affected by water scarcity, multinational corporations profit by creating centralized water supply systems. Water has become a commodity. To change this situation, alternatives are needed. The Water Symposium in Tamera gathered 30 experts and 200 participants in order to present decentralized and natural solutions. Read the full report: http://www.tamera.org/index.php?id=904
New Reader with reports and speaches from the Water Symposium for free download:http://www.tamera.org/fileadmin/PDF/PDF2/Wassersymposium_en_Report.pdf

Tamera at Rio+20 and the People’s Summit. Support us in bringing the idea of new models for human existence to Rio. A group including members of Tamera and the Global Campus will take part at the People´s Summit in Rio. Additionally, Tamera has been recommended by the UN General Assembly to be specially accredited to the “United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development” (Rio+20), taking place in Rio de Janeiro, June 20th – 22nd. Those who can support us with the travel costs, please look here at this easy way to make a donation. More: http://www.tamera.org/index.php?id=910

We greet you warmly, wherever you are in the world, and we look forward to seeing you here again soon!

The Tamera Community

P.S.1: Don´t forget: 1000 supporters by end of the year 2012! With a monthly contribution in the amount of your choice you become part of the realisation and part of the increasing planetary community, which will bring peace models into being worldwide. More: http://www.tamera.org/index.php?id=716
P.S. 2: Don´t forget: The School of the Future: You can take part at the peace study 2012, by receiving and studying the texts: Please write to: [email protected]
P.S. 3: Please send us a mail should you no longer wish to receive our newsletter.
If you do not receive the newsletter in a proper version, please open it here: http://www.tamera.org/index.php?id=861