Newsletter: Raising Student Voices: Student Action for University Community Investment

Jay OwenCommunity Development Solutions

The latest news on community wealth building initiatives!   Dear Colleague, Welcome to our June e-newsletter. We are pleased to announce the release of a new report, Raising Student Voices: Student Action for University Community Investment, a joint publication with the Responsible Endowments Coalition. Nationally, institutions of higher education control more than … Newsletter | May 2013

Jay OwenCommunity Development Solutions

Dear Colleague, Welcome to our May e-newsletter. This month we have a number of updates and features to bring you: Today, May 8 from 4-6 pm (eastern) in Cambridge, MA, The Democracy Collaborative and the Department of Urban Studies and Planning at MIT present the findings of our recent case study: The Anchor Mission: Leveraging the Power … E-Newsletter | February 2013

Jay OwenCommunity Development Solutions

The latest news on community wealth building initiatives! View this email in your browser Dear Colleague, Welcome to our latest e-newsletter, with a new look for 2013. In this winter edition, we bring you a host of new developments and site features: Today, February 8, The Democracy Collaborative and the Department …