Call for governments to inquire if money and the financial system is fit for purpose?

Jay OwenReforming Global Finance

The crisis of legitimacy of the political and financial systems In my view Government is not “fit for the purpose” of facilitating a transition to “Democratic Money with Environmental Values [to] Reduce Market Failures”. I suspect the reason why “the Australian Government has led the way by setting upa Financial System Inquiry” …

Transforming Economics Into True Wealth

Jay OwenReforming Global Finance, Transforming Finance

November 2012  The statement on TRANSFORMING ECONOMIES INTO TRUE WEALTH is an invitation to fully engage in the planetary whole-system shift now under way.  Many SRI investment professionals recognize our human responsibility for the many breakdowns in our societies and enfolding ecosystems resulting from our limited consciousness: climate change, hunger, …

Kosmos Gains Consultative Status at UN

kristyGlobal Citizen, Wealth of Networks

Dear Kosmos Readers, Warm greetings to all who are serving the greater good…and there are so many of us now! We hope you will find this newsletter full of ideas on how you may be part of an ignited humanity – one already on the streets of cities worldwide, saying, …