Saturday, 11 Oct, 9 – 10:30, Room: tbc,,contentMDK:23610678~pagePK:220503~piPK:220476~theSitePK:228717,00.html A Mandatory Approval of Complex Financial Instruments: The Need for a Precautionary Policy to Make Financial Markets Economically Sustainable Sponsor: World Future Council Panelists: Manuel Montes (South Centre), Nathan Coplin (New Rules for Global Finance), CHAIR: Suleika Reiners (World Future Council) The IMF …
Other News – SEC Commissioner Kara Stein Declares War on SEC Chair Mary Jo White
SEC Commissioner Kara Stein Declares War on SEC Chair Mary Jo White Naked Capitalism* A relatively new SEC Commissioner, Kara Stein, has decided to depart from the usual polite behavior regulatory overseers and is making noise about SEC decisions and policies that she finds to be dubious. The …
Predictions FROM Jeremy Leggett, author ENERGY OF NATIONS
The Energy of Nations. Since the 5 months the book has been out , here isan update on how the dramas are playing out :I finished writing the book during the Easter break a year ago. As you know,I made predictions about three systemic risks being run by the energyincumbency: …
Capitalism’s greatest crash now likely within a few years
Embargoed for 00:01 hours, 26 September 2013 Capitalism’s greatest crash now likely within a few years Energy industry set to follow in footsteps of financial industry Big Energy is guilty of enculturated risk blindness that, unless action is taken, will lead to an inevitable global crash according to Jeremy …
MAPPING THE TRANSITION TO SUSTAINABILITY By Hazel Henderson © 2013 for CSRWire Appeared on CSRWire July 1, 2013 as “Challenging Traditional Finance: Mapping the Transition to Sustainability” A whole-system global transition is underway and accelerating as human activities encounter planetary boundaries. Globalization of our technologies of transportation and communication …
UNEP FI September Newsletter
Highlight THE HIGHLIGHT 13th Global Roundtable fast arriving, Washington, D.C., 19-20 October Join over 100 speakers and 600+ participants for a one-of-a-kind summit in Washington, D.C., on 19-20 October. Gain valuable insight into the emerging financial sustainability sector’s most pressing issues. Global Roundtable speaker Terry Vaughan Global Roundtable speaker Terry …
2011 Global Roundtable now carbon neutral with new Green sponsor
A publication from UNEP UNEP FI and the African insurance industry took the first steps of a global journey to develop sustainability principles for the insurance industry at the regional consultation meeting for Africa in mid-March. Over 70 senior executives from the African insurance industry and its stakeholders attended the …
Principles for Sustainable Insurance consultation takes off from Africa
A newsletter from UNEP UNEP FI and the African insurance industry took the first steps of a global journey to develop sustainability principles for the insurance industry at the regional consultation meeting for Africa in mid-March. Over 70 senior executives from the African insurance industry and its stakeholders attended the …
Principles for Sustainable Insurance consultation takes off from Africa
A newsletters from UNEP Finance Initiative UNEP FI and the African insurance industry took the first steps of a global journey to develop sustainability principles for the insurance industry at the regional consultation meeting for Africa in mid-March. Over 70 senior executives from the African insurance industry and its stakeholders …