FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Green Bonds Add to $5.7 Trillion Privately Invested in the Green Economy Saint Augustine, FL, September 1, 2014 ~ The first two quarters of 2014 show the Green Transition Scoreboard® (GTS) at $5.7 trillion in private investments and commitments since 2007. This confirms the green economy is …
ECO Logic: Sustainable Development in the European Union – 2013 Eurostat Monitoring Report
ECOLOGIC NEWSLETTER NO 136 – JANUARY 2014 Contents: 1. Sustainable Development in the European Union – 2013 Eurostat Monitoring Report 2. Learning for Sustainable Agriculture: Urban Gardening in Berlin – Publication 3. Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation on the German Coast – Publications 4. Black Carbon Emissions from Kerosene Lamps – Publication 5. Combating …
The Way Out: Employee Engagement 2.0 – Webinar
Dear Friends, There is constant balance in my life between supporting my kids as they grow and being part of the growth of Natural Capitalism. My four year old, Calvin, is now asking questions that are hard to answer and someday soon he’ll quiz me about what I do at …
Inrate Sustainability Breakfast: Active shareholders do vote – but in favour of what?
Inrate Sustainability Breakfast: Active shareholders do vote – but in favour of what? The Inrate Sustainability Breakfast on April16th in Zurich and on April 25th in Geneva received again high approval. On the Inrate website, you will now find a short summary of the event as well as these documents: …
520 Insights about SRI – Article about the Second Year of the Interview Series, “Five Questions about SRI” – Published on Emerging Markets ESG on Friday, March 22, 2013
Title: Second Year of Emerging Markets ESG Series “Five Questions about SRI” Spans the Globe Subtitle: Hazel Henderson, president and founder of Ethical Markets, Tim Nash, Sustainability Research Coordinator, Rosalinda Sanquiche, Executive Director and many of our colleagues have had the opportunity to contribute to Emerging Markets …
Calvert Social Index Quarterly Adjustments
BETHESDA, Md.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– The Calvert Social Index Committee (“Index Committee”) met on March 10th to review and approve changes to the Calvert Social Index®. The Index Committee meets quarterly to review the component companies of the Index for corporate actions (e.g., spin-offs, mergers and acquisitions, bankruptcy) and for the recommendations …
Calvert Press Release urging the SEC to press for the highest possible disclosure for oil, gas, and mining companies
CALVERT TO SEC: INSIST ON MEANINGFUL TRANSPARENCY IN DISCLOSURE OF PAYMENTS MADE TO GOVERNMENTS BY OIL, GAS AND MINING COMPANIES Calvert Continues to Press for Disclosure of Material Information for Extractives Investors; Era of Dwindling Resources Make Tax, Reputational and Other Risks Even Greater Concerns. BETHESDA, MD.///March 2, 2010///As the …
Calvert Social Index Actions
BETHESDA, Md.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Calvert’s Sustainability Research Department has submitted the following recommendations regarding action within the Calvert Social Index®. If approved, the following recommendations will be effective when the Calvert Social Index Committee convenes its quarterly meeting in December 2010.