Watch Brad Katsuyama, featured in Michael Lewis’ bestseller Flash Boys, discuss issues affecting the US equity markets, particularly conflicts of interest in pricing structure, market design and technology architecture, such as high-frequency trading. Presented before the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations June 17, 2014 09:30AM, Room 216, Hart Senate Office …
Speed and Efficiency Becoming False Goals in Financial Markets
Speed and Efficiency Becoming False Goals in Financial Markets Wall Street’s high-frequency trading (HFT) controversies reveal the damage it does to longer-term values essential to all markets. But reform is in the works. Submitted by: Hazel Henderson By Hazel HendersonMisgivings were raised in 2012 by Sal Arnuk and Joe Saluzzi …
Review Of ‘The Energy Of Nations’ By Jeremy Leggett
The Energy of Nations: Risk Blindness and the Road to Renaissance Banks and financial sector firms are still held in low repute by public opinion in many countries. Taxpayers and retail investors along with average citizens still distrust stock markets, high frequency trading and resent their banks, brokers and insurance …
August 2013 Update of Current Issues on Employment in the US
US Employment Quality of Life Indicator in Context – a monthly analysis by Hazel Henderson Update: August, 2013 In July, total non-farm jobs increased by 162,000 while June’s jobs were revised down to 188,000. May’s was revised from 195,000 to 176,000 This news from the private sector shows the recovery, even if …
Carbon Bubble Creates Global Economic Risk’ – Guardian lead story, 19th April 2013
Carbon bubble will plunge the world into another financial crisis – report Trillions of dollars at risk as stock markets inflate value of fossil fuels that may have to remain buried forever, experts warn Global stock markets are betting on countries failing to adhere to legally binding carbon emission targets. …
Time to Rethink a Broken Market
Time to Rethink a Broken Market Posted: 30 Aug 2012 10:15 PM PDT Yves here. Readers are likely to assume that the “broken market” of the headline is US housing related, say the private mortgage securitization market, but the subject is what once was the gold standard of trading markets, …
Battle brews over California net metering | SmartPlanet Daily
A daily briefing of the newest stories on SmartPlanet, five days a week. Click for the full newsletter. —Crowdsourcing starts to clear away corporate cobwebs McKinsey reports companies are enhancing innovation with approaches such as internal ‘stock markets’ and Web forums. Read the full story
Curbing Financial Trading By Hazel Henderson
Posted November 4, 2009 “Other News” is a personal initiative seeking to provide information that should be in the media but is not, because of commercial criteria. It welcomes contributions from everybody. Work areas include information on global issues, north-south relations, governance of globalization. The “Other News” motto is a …