Time to Enlist State Powers to Curb Deadliest Guns

Jay OwenSRI/ESG News 27 December 2012 Welcome to! We ring out 2012 with a duo of columns from two Citistates Group founders, Curtis Johnson and Neal Peirce. In the aftermath of the Newtown tragedy, Neal offers a strategy for enacting sensible gun restrictions, despite paralysis at the federal level: state action. …

50 Attorneys General vs. Citizens United

kristySRI/ESG News

Two years ago, the Supreme Court decided that big corporations and the super rich have a “right” to spend unlimited amounts of money in our elections. The Justices that supported this ridiculous decision just expected states to fall in line behind the ruling and abandon their campaign finance laws, but …

New State Bank Bills Address Credit and Housing Crises

kristyReforming Global Finance, Community Development Solutions

New State Bank Bills Address Credit and Housing Crises Ellen Brown February 26, 2012 Seventeen states have now introduced bills for state-owned banks, and others are in the works. Hawaii’s innovative state bank bill addresses the foreclosure mess. County-owned banks are being proposed that would tackle the housing crisis …

Why All the Robo-signing? Shedding Light on the Shadow Banking System

kristyReforming Global Finance

Why All the Robo-signing? Shedding Light on the Shadow Banking System Ellen Brown January 24, 2012 The Wall Street Journal reported on January 19th that the Obama Administration was pushing heavily to get the 50 state attorneys general to agree to a settlement with five major banks in the …