SOLAR AND EV ADOPTION, CLIMATE POLICIES, AND GREEN FINANCE DRIVE U.S. CLEAN TECH LEADERSHIP INDEX GROWTH Annual Clean Edge Report Finds California, Massachusetts, Oregon, Colorado, & New York Lead Among States; San Francisco, San Jose, San Diego, Portland, & Sacramento Lead Among Metros Portland, Ore. – July 15, 2014 – Clean …
Earth Policy Institute: Denmark, Portugal, and Spain Leading the World in Wind Power
Denmark, Portugal, and Spain Leading the World in Wind Power J. Matthew Roney Earth Policy Release Data Highlight May 27, 2014 Denmark produced one third of its electricity from the wind in 2013. In no other country has wind’s share of annual electricity generation yet topped 30 percent. But …
Reader Supported News: Iceland Proposes Citizenship for Snowden
“ We at Ethical Markets salute those in Iceland’s Parliament for this initiative . Mr. Snowden has created an important debate which is needed in the world . This should be the focus of media attention going forward . If Mr. Snowden is brought back to the USA the ensuing …
Energy Self-Reliant States Weekly: Proposed Solar Standard is Cheap Compared to Minnesota Utilities’ Rate Increases
I wonder why Xcel Energy ignores solar when it asks ratepayers to finance 3 new natural gas plants for new peaking capacity in Minnesota, I interview Brian Minish about the remarkable 600-owner South Dakota Wind Partners community wind project, and Minnesota utilities fail to mention that the 1.33% rate hike proposed in the solar …
NOAA predicts mixed bag of drought, flooding and warm weather for spring
NOAA predicts mixed bag of drought, flooding and warm weather for spring Contact Susan Buchanan, 301-713-0622 March 21, 2013 NOAA issued the three-month U.S. Spring Outlook today, stating that odds favor above-average temperatures across much of the continental United States, including drought-stricken areas of Texas, the Southwest and the Great Plains. …