Alternative Energy: Demand Side Response: Revolution in British Energy Policy

Jay OwenGreentech

Alternative Energy Demand Side Response: Revolution in British Energy Policy Sold Out! California Runs Out Of The Fiat 500e EV  Desalination With Small Electrical Fields — Simple New Method May Revolutionize Seawater Desalination  Passivhaus 101 Philippines Makes 100% Renewable Electricity In 10 Years Plan  Los Angeles Crowdsources Solar Energy Generation …

Energy Self-Reliant States: 5 Barriers to and Solutions for Community Renewable Energy

Jay OwenGreen Prosperity

I spent last week preparing for the release of my report on Ontario’s Feed-in Tariff programnext Monday (“Expect Delays – Reviewing Ontario’s ‘Buy Local’ Renewable Energy Program”) and spent much of the week working on the passage of a solar energy standard in Minnesota (it passed the House the week prior …

Energy Self-Reliant States Weekly: 5 Barriers to and Solutions for Community Renewable Energy

Jay OwenGreen Prosperity

I spent last week preparing for the release of my report on Ontario’s Feed-in Tariff programnext Monday (“Expect Delays – Reviewing Ontario’s ‘Buy Local’ Renewable Energy Program”) and spent much of the week working on the passage of a solar energy standard in Minnesota (it passed the House the week prior …

Last Week from ILSR’s Energy Self-Reliant States

Jay OwenGreen Prosperity

I recognized a lot of you in attendance at the Community Renewable Energy webinar last Tuesday.  If you missed it (or want to refresh your memory), an audio slideshow and the downloadable slides of 5 barriers to community renewable energy is available. We’ve also got another new podcast, featuring a discussion of Gainesville’s …