In the midst of complexity Even with the most promising projects and the best of collaborative intentions, we regularly run aground because of unexpected human politics and hidden complexity, or we simply lose energy and burn out. Three courses in the Autumn term look at the root causes of why …
The Future of Fraud Detection | Event Alerts | Presentations from May 14 Seminar
May 17, 2013 The Future of Fraud Detection: Research Findings on the Prevalence of Accounting Fraud By Lev Janashvili “The probability of a company engaging in a fraud in any given year is 14.5%, and on average, corporate fraud costs investors 22 percent of enterprise value in fraud-committing firms.” Presentations …
Webinar Invitation: Sustainability & New Approaches to Index, June 6th
THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 2013 at 3:00 P.M. (GMT) Sustainability & New Ways to Index Speakers and Moderators: Dr. Paul Cox Senior Lecturer University of BirminghamAcademic Advisor NEST Corporation Guido Guise, PhD Head of Indices RobecoSAM Moderator: Hugh Wheelan Managing Editor Responsible Investor For …