Click here to read this mailing online. “P2P Foundation” – 3 new articles 100 Women who are co-creating the P2P Society: Stephanie Rearick of the Mutual Aid Network Cooperatives are breaking into the domain of the sharing economy Pope Francis on the need for structural social change More Recent …
Suitpossum: Post-crisis Adventures in Financial Subversion
Suitpossum: Post-crisis Adventures in Financial Subversion Seedbombing: Applying the Principles of Permaculture to Finance Posted: 15 Dec 2013 05:55 AM PST I originally wrote this article for Transition Free Press Edition 4. It’s published under a Creative Commons licence (see side panel for details) Finance, even in its most high-tech formulations, …
Monsanto, the TPP and Global Food Dominance
Monsanto, the TPP and Global Food Dominance msdonnalee (CC BY 2.0) By Ellen Brown, Web of Debt This piece first appeared at Web of Debt. “Control oil and you control nations,” said US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger in the 1970s. ”Control food and you control the people.” Global food control has …
Howard Buffett is promoting a brown revolution to improve soil productivity and help feed the world’s billions
Carpe Diem Howard Buffett is promoting a brown revolution to improve soil productivity and help feed the world’s billions By Ellie Winninghoff When it comes to feeding the world’s hungry people, the game-changer is no-till conservation agriculture. “Soil is any farmer’s most valuable working capital,” says Warren Buffett’s son Howard …
NewEnergyNews Daily Headlines: THE AIDS QUILT FOR ENDANGERED SPECIES: A mom-started movement to ‘Sew the SEEDS’ of preventing extinctions.
NewEnergyNews Daily Headlines TODAY AT NewEnergyNews, September 25: * NewEnergyNews EXCLUSIVE – THE AIDS QUILT FOR ENDANGERED SPECIES: A mom-started movement to ‘Sew the SEEDS’ of …
Glowing plants: a cool idea, or terrible one?
We at Ethical Markets think this is an appallingly ignorant , stupid idea . We hope Kickstarter removes this from their site !, Hazel Henderson, Editor “What if we used trees to light our streets instead of electric street lamps?” starts the Glowing Plant Kickstarter campaign video. The pitch, launched April 23, …
Global Crowdfunding Update: Updates from the World Bank and Africa
Crowdfunding Global Update June 3, 2013 Crowdfunding was the featured topic in this month’s Entrepreneur Magazine, which looks at innovation in funding start-ups. The article explored the ways in which governments, development organizations and investors in many countries are working to create entrepreneurial ecosystems and innovation. Crowdfunding is a solution that …
ScienceDaily: Top Environment News : Carbon dioxide at NOAA’s Mauna Loa Observatory reaches new milestone: Tops 400 parts per million
ScienceDaily: Top Environment News Carbon dioxide at NOAA’s Mauna Loa Observatory reaches new milestone: Tops 400 parts per million Sacred lotus genome sequence enlightens scientists Revealing hidden fungal species using DNA: The importance of recognizing cryptic diversity Earliest archaeological evidence of human ancestors hunting and scavenging Kestrels, other urban birds …
What did Rio+20 achieve? What next for the green economy agenda?
To answer that question, it is useful to wind back the clock to 2009 when the seeds of green economy were first sown. The full force of the financial crisis was being felt the world over – 27 million people lost their jobs and 80% of the world population had …