Premium intelligence service for the global cleantech investor community


Premium intelligence service for the global cleantech investor community Dear AltAssets Subscriber, As you are an active member of the private equity and venture capital industry, I would like to bring to your attention Deal Radar, a premium intelligence service that provides comprehensive deal coverage and access to investment and …

On the Eve of Rio+20, Countries Accelerating Plans for a Transition to a Green Economy

kristyGreen Prosperity, Global Citizen

On the Eve of Rio+20, Countries Accelerating Plans for a Transition to a green economy Beijing, 16 November 2011 – A new UN report demonstrates that governments and businesses alike are taking steps to accelerate a global shift towards a low-carbon, resource-efficient and socially inclusive green future. From china to …

Rio+20: Making it Happen

kristyGreen Prosperity, Global Citizen

Rio+20: Making it Happen, Volume 2, Issue 18 Volume 2, Issue 18 of Rio+20: Making it Happen newsletter is a special issue dedicated to the perspectives of major groups stakeholders. In accordance with its mandate to facilitate implementation of Agenda 21, the Rio+20 Secretariat aims to enhance the participation of …

Green Sectors Expanding into Trillions of Dollars

kristySustainability News, Articles by Hazel Henderson

Small and intermediate enterprises are joining large ones to boost Green Industry’s footprint By Rosalinda Sanquiche As part of the Green Economy series While mainstream media, economists and general opinion still designate the Green Economy as “emerging” and assume green investments are riskier or provide lower returns than other investments, …


Ethical MarketsTV Series

THE CLIMATE PROSPERITY ALLIANCE is a global network of financiers, businesses, trade unions, NGOs and economic development agencies now changing the debate on climate.  Instead of wrangling about carbon emission caps and targets, the Climate Prosperity Alliance is turning the economic debate about “costs to the fossil fuel sectors” to …

Climate Solutions II: Low Carbon Re-Industrialisation

Ethical MarketsGreen Prosperity

The most important finding of this report is that it is today’s national leaders that will decide the fate humanity, our fellow creatures and the environment upon which all depend.  This is a profound and unavoidable responsibility. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions to avoid the worst impacts of climate change will …