Reader Supported News | 08 August 14 PM It’s Live on the HomePage Now: Reader Supported News *15 GREAT REASONS TO GET BEHIND READER SUPPORTED NEWS: David Koch, Rupert Murdoch, Arianna Huffington, Main-Stream-News, The Republican Party, The Tea Party, The NSA, The NRA, The Keystone XL Pipeline, Global Warming, US …
Earth Policy Institute: Fisheries and Aquaculture Fact Sheet
Fisheries and Aquaculture Fact Sheet Earth Policy Release March 27, 2014 The world fish catch is a measure of the productivity and health of the oceanic ecosystem that covers 70 percent of the earth’s surface. The extent to which world demand for seafood is outrunning the sustainable yield of …
ScienceDaily: Top Environment News: Super-Typhoon Haiyan lashes the Philippines
ScienceDaily: Top Environment News Super-Typhoon Haiyan lashes the Philippines Posted: 08 Nov 2013 06:18 AM PST Super-Typhoon Haiyan was lashing the central and southern philippines on Nov. 7 bringing maximum sustained winds of a Category 5 hurricane. The U.S. National Hurricane Center website indicates that a Category 5 …
FOLLOW THE FISH! Spencer Beebe is helping to build the 21st century deep green economy in the Pacific Northwest. By Ellie Winninghoff
FOLLOW THE FISH Spencer Beebe is helping to build the 21st century deep green economy in the Pacific Northwest. By Ellie Winninghoff If rainforests are so important, why doesn’t anybody worry about the rainforest of the Pacific Northwest? That’s a question that plagued Spencer Beebe when he …
ScienceDaily: Top Environment News: Holographic microscopy: Peering into living cells — with neither dye nor fluophore
ScienceDaily: Top Environment News Holographic microscopy: Peering into living cells — with neither dye nor fluophore The amazing amphibians and reptiles of the Philippine island Luzon Most comprehensive tree of life shows placental mammal diversity exploded after age of dinosaurs Stress change during the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake illuminated Solving big-data …
HydroVision International 2012: Where Hydro Meets Power
HydroVision International 2012: Where Hydro Meets Power Developing 7.5-MW Youngs Creek in Washington State Adding a Spillway Protects Integrity of Jackson Bluff Dam Viewpoints from the Board Room: John Brewster, NAES Corporation How Small Hydro Could Rescue America?s Dumb Dams Upgrading the Cowlitz Salmon Hatchery Installing Hydraulic Crest Gates Improves …
Why is WWF at Davos?
30th January 2012 Why was WWF at Davos? WWF works to protect Earth’s most special places. Places that are particularly rich in biodiversity. Places with unique animals and plants. Places like no other. We found out that the most significant threats to our 35 priority places were 15 commodities: sugarcane, …
GRACEnotes November: State of Clean Energy, Questionable Salmon and the Value of Water
GE Salmon: Swimming Away with Subsidies: Despite the potential environmental threat posed by genetically engineered fish, biotech corporation AquaBounty has received more than $2.4 million in federal research grants since 2003 to support its GE salmon project. water Through Art, the Value of Water Expressed: As the most common chemical …