July 15, 2014 Richter Scale A Germany That Bets Big Five unconventional moves that made Germany the 2014 World Cup champions. By Stephan Richter EconoMatters BRICS: Toward a Rio Consensus The BRICS countries set out to overcome Western domination and the legacy of the “Washington Consensus.” By Kevin P. …
The UN IPCC backs carbon budget approach
The UN IPCC backs carbon budget approach The potential for unburnable carbon and stranded fossil fuel assets has today been thrust into the limelight with the IPCC’s carbon budget analysis in its latest report. ‘The Carbon Tracker Initiative welcomes the IPCC’s dialogue on carbon budgets. Their findings are consistent with …
COOPERATIVES CAN BUILD SOCIO-ECONOMIC RESILIENCE DURING CRISES — UNOFFICIALS New York, Jul 6 2013 11:00AM The International Day of Cooperatives provides an opportunity to spotlight how such enterprises canhelp build resilience in all socio-economic spheres in times of “globaluncertainty,” United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said on Saturday.“Over the course of the ongoing …
Reminder: Earth Charter education programme
Dear Earth Charter friend, We would like to remind you about our upcoming course that is to be held in the Earth Charter’s Educational Center for Education for Sustainable Development entitled: “Education and Values for Sustainable Development.” This week-long course (May 13-17th) will be facilitated by Professor Sam Crowell, emeritus …
Money Out Voters In Ally call today, 1pm ET/10am PT (559) 546-1880, Code: 139527
Dear Money Out/Voters In Allies, Actions are starting for Money Out/Voters In Day of Action tomorrow! (though most of the 65+ events are clustered on Saturday, January 19). TODAY we have a 30 min ally strategy call today at 1pm ET, 12pm CT, 11am MT, 10am PT to talk about next steps …
Mission Africa — 3000 Miles in an Electric Car: or, Xavier Chevrin Is Manlier Than You
Mission Africa — 3000 Miles in an Electric Car: or, Xavier Chevrin Is Manlier Than You Posted: 27 May 2012 03:00 AM PDT Filed under: Energy News Nissan’s Electric Leaf Becomes a Van: The e-NV200 Posted: 27 May 2012 03:00 AM PDT Filed under: Energy News Reminder: Enter to Win …
4th Annual Renewable Energy Finance Forum – West
This is your final reminder that the 4th Renewable Energy Finance Forum – West is taking place next week on September 26 & 27 at The Four Seasons in San Francisco. Confirm your place today at the West Coast’s premier renewable energy finance event! With numbers swelling for the 4th REFF West, don’t miss out on the opportunity to network with …
Chevron investors shrug off $8.6bn pollution fine
Newsletter from Environmental Finance News Forestry/REDD+ webinar series A reminder that the first of four forest carbon and REDD+ webinars is next Thursday 24 February. Click here for details. ——————————————————————————– ——————————————————————————– Republicans to block Obama’s green spending plan? Renewable energy and energy efficiency were major winners in President Barack Obama’s …