Water Shortages Threaten Food Future in the Arab Middle East

kristyTrendspotting, Earth Systems Science

Water Shortages Threaten Food Future in the Arab Middle East* www.earth-policy.org/plan_b_updates/2011/update95 By Lester R. Brown Earth Policy Release Plan B Update May 3, 2011 Long after the political uprisings in the Middle East have subsided, many underlying challenges that are not now in the news will remain. Prominent among these …

In Era of Climate Change and Water Scarcity, Meeting National Energy Demand Confronts Major Impediments


Dear colleagues, I wanted to draw your attention to the culmination of Circle of Blue’s important two month long investigative series chronicling the tightening conflict — the choke point — between declining freshwater supplies and rising energy demand. Today we publish another in the series that finds: Unless the United …