Each week Emerging Markets ESG publishes an interview entitled, “Five Questions about SRI.” The interview features a practitioner’s insights about SRI in emerging markets and through Emerging Markets ESG shares this expertise with a wide global audience. The goals of Five Questions about SRI are fourfold: To collect a catalogue of examples of …
New Bretton Woods Update (No.84) Jan/Feb 2013 out now
Bretton Woods Update No. 84 January/February 2013 PDF version | At Issue PDF | text version Please find below the highlights of the Bretton Woods Update No. 84(January/February 2013). We have also launched a new At Issue briefing, The World Bank on Jobs: a “significant departure” or “business as usual”? by Public World’s Brendan Martin. forest …
RIO+20: AT FORUM, BUSINESS LEADERS DISCUSS SHIFTING TO SUSTAINABLE PATH New York, Jun 15 2012 2:05PM More than 2,000 business leaders, investors and labour activists will today gather at a United Nations forum seeking to reach consensus on sustainable policies that will protect the environment, provide safe and fair conditions …
World Energy Forum taps infinite resource: Intellectual capital.
World Energy Forum taps infinite resource: Intellectual capital. Global invitation to the World Energy Forum in Dubai, October 22-24, 2012. May 1, 2012, New York – The World Energy Forum is holding a high-level international conference of leaders from all energy sectors commemorating the 2012 United Nations International Year of …
Un-Backed Study Shows Technology Can Help World Move To Low-Carbon Economy
Un-Backed Study Shows Technology Can Help World Move To Low-Carbon Economy New York, Apr 2 2012 3:05PM The use of broadband in information and communication technology (ICT) can help the world transition to a low carbon-economy and address the causes and effects of climate change, according to a United Nations-backed …
UN-Backed Study Shows Technology Can Help World Move to Low-Carbon Economy
UN-BACKED STUDY SHOWS TECHNOLOGY CAN HELP WORLD MOVE TO LOW-CARBON ECONOMY New York, Apr 2 2012 3:05PM The use of broadband in information and communication technology (ICT) can help the world transition to a low carbon-economy and address the causes and effects of climate change, according to a United Nations-backed …
New public-private partnerships will achieve a green economy climate prosperity
A new report highlights the connections between climate change risks and opportunities, sustainable development and climate change adaptation, to provide a useful guidance for business and policymakers in creating a green economy. It suggests that businesses are an essential partner in preparing for and responding to the impacts of climate …
How to Supply Sustainable Electricity to World’s Billions of “Energy Poor” People
Global Sustainable Electricity Partnership and UN-Energy How to Supply Sustainable Electricity to World’s Billions of “Energy Poor” People Small-scale electricity projects in Patagonia villages may light global path; Formula for Successful Public-Private Partnerships Detailed at UN; 2012: UN “International Year of Sustainable Energy for All” New York – How can …