The U.S. Supreme Court’s disastrous Citizens United v. FEC ruling has allowed corporate CEOs to unleash a torrent of secret corporate spending into our political system. Indefensibly, CEOs are able to keep both the public and their own shareholders in the dark about the use of company funds for political …
Corruption and greenhouse gas emissions
Carbon comment Corruption and greenhouse gas emissions are two of the most talked-about sustainability issues of all: and you can still have your say on how companies and organizations report on them, by taking part in the Additional Public Comment Period for G4 Thematic Revisions, open until 12 November. Read …
Sustainability experts call on public to shape corporate reporting
Global Reporting Initiative press release For Immediate Release Wednesday 16 November 2011 Sustainability experts call on public to shape corporate reporting Sustainability reporting experts at the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) are calling on all organizations and individuals to shape the future of corporate reporting by taking part in a survey …