IIRC Newsletter – August Edition Enabling <IR> through Technology The best use of technology to help implement integrated thinking and <IR> is proving to be a key challenge for organizations. As a result, the IIRC is inviting technology companies to come together in the <IR> Technology Initiative to help them consider …
South Africa endorses the International Framework
IIRC Newsletter – March Edition South Africa endorses the International <IR> Framework The Integrated Reporting Committee (IRC) of South Africa, who’s influential members include the Johannesburg Stock Exchange, has this month endorsed the International <IR> Framework. This announcement sees the Framework being adopted to provide global unity in Integrated Reporting, …
IIRC Welcomes South Africa’s Endorsement of the International Integrated Reporting Framework
IIRC Welcomes South Africa’s Endorsement of the International Integrated Reporting Framework FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 20 March 2014 – The International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) welcomes the announcement that the Integrated Reporting Committee (IRC) of South africa has endorsed the International <IR> Framework. Integrated Reporting (<IR>) is a process founded on integrated thinking …
News Alert: Released Today – International Integrated Reporting Framework
IIRC NEWS ALERT INTERNATIONAL INTEGRATED REPORTING FRAMEWORK RELEASED WITH BUSINESS AND INVESTOR SUPPORT The release today of the International Integrated Reporting (<IR>) Framework marks an important milestone in the market-led evolution of corporate reporting. It follows a three-month global consultation led by the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) earlier this …
As G8 leaders meet for summit focused on increasing transparency, 150 business leaders and investors gather to advance a market-led solution
As G8 leaders meet for summit focused on increasing transparency, 150 business leaders and investors gather to advance a market-led solution FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE As G8 leaders meet for summit focused on increasing transparency, 150 business leaders and investors gather to advance a market-led solution (London, Frankfurt June 18, 2013) – …