The ECB’s Noose Around Greece: How Central Banks Harness Governments by Ellen Brown Remember when the infamous Goldman Sachs delivered a thinly-veiled threat to the Greek Parliament in December, warning them to elect a pro-austerity prime minister or risk having central bank liquidity cut off to their banks? (See January …
A new series on Economic Impacts of Workers’ Capital:
October 9, 2014 Here’s your Heartland E-Journal Thursday Morning Espresso! This morning we bring you a new series on Economic Impacts of Workers’ Capital: Economic Impact Investors’ Corner Workers’ capital is the retirement savings and pension funds invested in global capital markets to provide long-term financial returns to worker …
Dutch FTK, Denmark, Bank of England, Finland, IORP II, Armenia, KID
TODAY’S TOP STORIES Revised FTK will provide ‘clear rules’ on indexation, reduce contribution volatility Revised framework criticised by industry for offering insufficient improvement on prior drafts, resembling nominal contract Danish government considers launch of pensions commission UK central bank weighs in on asset manager systemic risk debate German pension association …
IPA: Asia’s wealthy seek out alternatives for returns
Asia’s wealthy seek out alternatives for returns by Wing-Gar Cheng – Institutional investors in asia were early adopters of alternatives. Now HNWI’s are getting in on the act 29/11/13 South Korea, Mexico set to benefit from global growth China’s social security spending exceeds income Value Partners launches gold ETF …
IPE: Keva’s Merja Ailus resigns in wake of benefits scandal
Monday 25 November 2013 Hazel Henderson Change Newsletter settings TODAY’S TOP STORIES Keva’s Merja Ailus resigns in wake of benefits scandal Managing director of €35.3bn local government pension institution of Finland resigns over fringe benefits, personal expenses Langensjö replaced as CEO at Brummer Life IPE Awards Seminar: Asset managers …
IPE News: Defined ambition, TUC, people roundup, PFA, PensionDanmark, Industriens, Big Society Capital
Dear Hazel Henderson, Today’s top stories Defined ambition pensions could be ‘distraction’ for UK government UK – TUC says DA agenda risks distracting DWP from work of improving defined contribution schemes. 30/08/13 Friday people …
The Detroit Bail-In Template: Fleecing Pensioners to Save the Banks
The Detroit Bail-In Template: Fleecing Pensioners to Save the Banks Posted on August 5, 2013 by Ellen Brown The Detroit bankruptcy is looking suspiciously like the bail-in template originated by the G20’s Financial Stability Board in 2011, which exploded on the scene in Cyprus in 2013 and is now becoming the model globally. In Cyprus, …
EIB goes again – 7yr, SEK750m ($115m) climate bond for Storebrand/SPP
On Friday the EIB placed a 7 year, SEK750m Climate Awareness Bond with Norwegian pensions/insurance company Storebrand SPP. Coupon was 3-Month STIBOR +43bp. This follows on from the €650m Climate Awareness Bond they placed a week earlier. Go EIB!
Hip Investor: Going Fossil-Free, a How-To Guide in PDF — and webinar
IN THIS ISSUE: I. Going Fossil-Free, a How-To Guide in PDF — and webinar: In partnership with, HIP co-authored Resilient Portfolios & Fossil-Free Pensions, showing city and states how to go fossil-free; join us Weds, 6/19 for a collaborative webinar II. Federal Reserve Supports Investing for Impact: The Federal Reserve of …