A compilation of items recently posted to the Sustainable Development Policy & Practice knowledgebase Latest News – 28 October 2013 Featured Guest Article Implementing Rio+20: ECOSOC’s New Role and Its Old Culture by Harris Gleckman, Center for Governance and Sustainability, University of Massachusetts Almost_since the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) was created, there have been ECOSOC reform efforts. Most of these efforts …
Pilot Program for Climate Resilience Bulletin
Pilot Program for Climate Resilience Bulletin The seventh meeting of the Pilot Program for Climate Resilience (PPCR) for pilot countries and participating regions convened on 1-3 May in Washington, DC, and was hosted by the World Bank through the Climate Investment Funds (CIF). Over 70 participants attended the meeting, which …
New Bretton Woods Update (No.85) March/April 2013 out now
Bretton Woods Update No. 85 March/April 2013 PDF version Please find below the highlights of the Bretton Woods Update No. 85(March/April 2013). BRICS challenge IFIs: Out of the frying pan into the fire? Large middle-income countries jointly initiated alternatives to the World Bank and IMF in March, but advocates are …
New World Bank president: what’s on the agenda?
Bretton Woods Update No. 80 March/April 2012 New World Bank president: what’s on the agenda? An unprecedented competition for the presidency of the World Bank, with two highly experienced developing country candidates nominated in addition to the US candidate, has raised demands for reform of the Bank’s approach to middle-income …