September 30, 2014 Latest GFI Blogs Opportunity Knocks to Address Illicit Financial Flows The “Big Mo” in the Drive to Address Illicit Financial Flows Photographs from GFI and MIND’s Joint Conference in Rio de Janeiro China’s Illicit Outflows Were US$1.08 Trillion from 2002-2011 Voices from Delaware Are Speaking Out Against …
CORPORATIONS WILL HAVE TO ABIDE TO HUMAN RIGHTS Source: Treaty Alliance: A resolution was adopted in the UN Human Rights Council on June 26 that will begin the process of elaborating an international legally binding instrument on business and human rights. Despite strong opposition from the EU and US, the …
GEMS Water: Global water quality data to inform SDGs
ENB on the Side Coverage of Selected Side Events at the First UN Environment Assembly (UNEA) of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) Issue No. 2 – Wednesday, 25 June 2014 Events convened on Tuesday, 24 June 2014 GEMS Water: Global water quality data to inform SDGs Presented by UNEP/DEWA …
OTHER NEWS: Where Will The New Europe Go?
Where Will The New Europe Go? By Roberto Savio* ROME, May 2014 (IPS) – “An era can be said to end when its basic illusions are exhausted” is a phrase from Arthur Miller which applies well to the European elections that have just ended. What those elections …
Earth Policy Institute: Denmark, Portugal, and Spain Leading the World in Wind Power
Denmark, Portugal, and Spain Leading the World in Wind Power J. Matthew Roney Earth Policy Release Data Highlight May 27, 2014 Denmark produced one third of its electricity from the wind in 2013. In no other country has wind’s share of annual electricity generation yet topped 30 percent. But …
Bank of England talks about money creation for the first time
We have some seriously big news to announce! 1) Huge milestone in our campaign When we launched the Positive Money campaign 3 and half years ago and started talking about the fact that banks create money, we were faced with disbelief and shock. A common response was: ‘I don’t believe you. I …
EFES NEWSLETTER: New facts about employee ownership in March 2014
EFES NEWSLETTER – MARCH 2014 NOW AVAILABLE ! EUROPEAN SURVEY 2013 The whole information about employee ownership and employee share plans, top executives and common employees in European companies, corporate governance and profit-sharing, employee representation on boards and discrimination in employee shareholders’ voting rights, and a comparison between listed companies …
RI INSIGHT DENMARK: asset owner leaders in ESG and renewables
RI INSIGHT DENMARK: asset owner leaders in ESG and renewables Exclusive interviews with six of Denmark’s largest pension funds:ATP, PBU, PensionDanmark, PFA, PKA and Unipension. Free content: Download the PDF via the RI Reports channel. In 2009, the Danish government allowed UN-sponsored PRI (Principles for Responsible Investment) or UN Global Compact membership to represent a company’s legal corporate social responsibility requirement. It led to a significant …
The Bank Guarantee That Bankrupted Ireland
The Bank Guarantee That Bankrupted Ireland Posted on November 2, 2013 by Ellen Brown The Irish have a long history of being tyrannized, exploited, and oppressed—from the forced conversion to Christianity in the Dark Ages, to slave trading of the natives in the 15th and 16th centuries, to the mid-nineteenth century “potato famine” that was really …
Today’s Top Stories from GFI: U.S. government shutdown delays automatic tax information sharing
Wednesday, October 16, 2013 Video: French Finance Minister Pierre Mosvovici on Public Registries, Transparency Agenda Getting the Regulations Right: Oil in Liberia and the Democratic Republic of the Congo #FTCDar2013: Not in Dar? Here’s How You Can Still Participate #FTCDar2013 Preview: Why We’re Here Why Are Extractive Industries Prone …