SEARCH FOR COMPREHENSIVE DESIGN SOLUTIONS TO HUMANITY’S CRITICAL PROBLEMS LAUNCHED! The Buckminster Fuller Institute formally announces the Call for Proposals to the 2014 Fuller Challenge. Recognized as “Socially-Responsible Design’s Highest Award”, the Challenge invites activists, architects, artists, designers, entrepreneurs, students and planners from all over the world to submit their innovative solutions …
Economic Change via Cultural Change
View this email in your browser As a lawyer, as a person of color, and as a concerned citizen, Van Jones is deeply committed to improving racial and economic equality while at the same time mitigating environmental degradation. In his 2007 book, The Green Collar Economy, Jones suggested that invention and …
BLUE Ocean All-Stars in Monaco
Ocean all-stars make a splash in Monaco at BLUE Ocean Film Festival Monaco and Tampa Bay set the stage for ocean film and entertainment Video Link: HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco Attends the BLUE Ocean Mini-Fest. (VIDEO) (New York, NY) Oct 7 – If necessity is …
Quick Links Website Contact Us Recent related articles The Dfference Btween “Price” and “Cost” Is”Sustainability” Poitical Hype? Using Metrics To Improve Communities Techniques used to deny the need for change Creative ways to lower healthcare costs for kids. Avoiding the healthcare “tow truck trap” lowers costs, …
Guest Post: President Obama Doesn’t Know How to Deploy New Energy
Guest Post: President Obama Doesn’t Know How to Deploy New Energy Jigar Shah weighs in on the nomination of Ernest Moniz as the Secretary of Energy. JIGAR SHAH: FEBRUARY 25, 2013 With the likely nomination of Ernest Moniz as the Secretary of Energy, President Obama has chosen invention over deployment …
Guest Post: Fuel Cells on the LEEDing Edge
DAILY NEWSLETTER | Friday, January 27, 2012 Guest Post: Fuel Cells on the LEEDing Edge Fuel cells have been around since the invention of the first bicycle. Now, the training wheels are off—and businesses are saving money and applying to earn LEED credits with fuel cells. Entergy Tests AMI Voltage …