A compilation of items recently posted to the Sustainable Development Policy & Practice knowledgebase Latest News – 20 May 2014 Experts Conclude Fourth Session on Sustainable Development Financing 16_May_2014: The Intergovernmental Committee of Experts on Sustainable Development Financing (ICESDF) held its Fourth Session, during which expert members discussed the …
ENB Vol. 12 No. 589 – Warsaw Climate Change Conference – November 2013 – Issue #7
The ADP informal stocktaking plenary took place in the morning and afternoon. The SBI and SBSTA closing plenaries took place in the evening, continuing late into the night. Throughout the day, a number of contact groups and informal consultations were held. SBSTA CLOSING PLENARY The SBSTA closing plenary convened at …
Doha Climate Change Conference – November 2012 – Issue #7
On Saturday, delegates met in contact groups, informal consultations and other meetings of the Convention and Protocol bodies throughout the day. In the evening, the closing plenaries of the SBs convened. SBI ELECTION OF OFFICERS: SBI Chair Chruszczow reported that consultations on nominations for the Vice-Chair and Rapporteur are still …
Doha Climate Change Conference – November 2012 – Issue #5
On Thursday, delegates convened in contact groups, informal consultations and other meetings of the Convention and Protocol bodies throughout the day. Contact groups and informal CONSULTATIONS COP: CONTA CT GROUP ON FINANCE: This meeting was co-chaired by Kamel Djemouai (Algeria) and Gregory Andrews (Australia). Co-Chair Djemouai explained that work during …
Doha Climate Change Conference – November 2012 – Issue #3
On Tuesday, delegates met for the opening sessions of the AWG-KP, AWG-LCA and the ADP. The SBI plenary was also resumed. Participants heard opening statements from negotiating groups and gave preliminary consideration to the various agenda items under these bodies. In addition, contact groups and informal consultations began on a …
ENB Vol. 27 No. 51 – Rio+20: Third PrepCom and the UN Conference on Sustainable Development – Summary & Analysis
SUMMARY OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: 13-22 june 2012 The third and final meeting of the Preparatory Committee for the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD, or Rio+20), Pre-Conference Informal Consultations Facilitated by the Host Country, and the UNCSD convened back-to-back in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, …
ENB Vol. 27 No. 31 – Second Round of ‘Informal-Informal’ Negotiations on the zero draft of outcome document of the UN Conference on Sustainable Development – Issue #7
UNCSD INFORMAL CONSULTATIONS: Monday, 30 APRIL 2012 On Monday, delegates resumed informal negotiations on the draft outcome document for the UNCSD. Working Group 1 focused on Section III (Green Economy). Working Group 2 considered Sections I (Preamble/Stage Setting), II (Renewing Political Commitments), and IV (IFSD). working group 1 SECTION III: …
ENB Vol. 27 No. 29 – Second Round of ‘Informal-Informal’ Negotiations on the zero draft of outcome document of the UN Conference on Sustainable Development – Issue #5
UNCSD INFORMAL CONSULTATIONS: FRIDAY 27, April 2012 On Friday, delegates continued informal negotiations on the draft outcome document for the UNCSD. WG1 completed its first reading on Section V (Framework for Action) in morning and afternoon sessions. WG2 continued discussions on Section IV (IFSD), and exchanged views on IFSD reform …
ENB Vol. 27 No. 23 – First Round of ‘Informal-Informal’ Negotiations on the Zero Draft of the Outcome Document and Third Intersessional Meeting of the UN Conference on Sustainable Development – Issue #7
THIRD INTERSESSIONAL MEETING: monday, 26 march 2012 Delegates convened on Monday, 26 March, for the UNCSD’s third Intersessional Meeting, resuming their discussions under the “informal informal” consultations held the previous week. The group spent the entire day and evening exchanging further views and input on the zero draft. OPENING OF …
ENB Vol. 27 No. 18 – First Round of ‘Informal-Informal’ Negotiations on the Zero Draft of the Outcome Document and Third Intersessional Meeting of the UN Conference on Sustainable Development – Issue #2
UNCSD INFORMAL CONSULTATIONS: Friday, 23 MARCH 2012′ Delegates completed their first reading of Section V (Framework for Action and Follow-up) of the zero draft. Many consultations and side events also took place throughout the day. consultations on the zero draft V. FRAMEWORK FOR ACTION AND FOLLOW-UP: A. Priority/key/thematic/cross-sectoral issues and …