Utility Nightmares: Distributed Generation and Halving Electricity Consumption

Jay OwenResource Efficiency

While many utility executives attribute much of their predicted market challenges to the rise of photovoltaics and net metering, they actually have much more to worry about. In a 2013 survey of global utility companies by PricewaterhouseCoopers, the results revealed that the utility industry leaders anticipate major changes to their business model …

Novethic Research: Looking for measuring ESG investment performance

Jay OwenTV Series

Looking for measuring ESG investment performance 18 February 2013. For the first time, Novethic has analysed the SRI performance indicators developed by some asset managers and a handful of asset owners. The aim is to measure, for example, whether socially responsible investment contributes to generating fewer carbon emissions, creating more …

Last-Minute PTC Revision Sparks New Hope for Geothermal Stocks : AltEnergyStocks.com

Jay OwenGreentech

Geothermal well photo via Bigstock   The renewable energy industry had quite a bit to celebrate this week as 2013 rang in a PTC extension that many had feared would never come to fruition. Though the extension to January 1, 2014 greatly benefits the wind industry, whose PTC was set to …

Today’s Study: Wind And Eu Markets


Newenergynews Daily Headlines Click Here For Main Page: Http://Www.Newenergynews.Net/ Today At Newenergynews, 2-24: * Today’s Study: Wind And Eu Markets * Quick News, 2-24: Hurdle For Google’s Ocean Wires; Colo Sun Incentives Drop; A Better Battery; U.S. Must Find Rare Earths Yesterday * Study: What Burning Woody Biomass Can (And …