Knowledge Update Research Programme I Resource Library I Sectors I Themes I Country Data Issue 8 – October 9, 2014 UN report highlights need to collaborate on green economy knowledge generation The United Nations Environmental Management Group (EMG) in September released …
The World Health Organization (WHO) Conference on Health and Climate took place at WHO Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland from 27-29 August 2014. It was attended by 360 participants, including health and environment ministers of WHO member states, senior civil servants, technical experts, UN agencies, NGOs, chief executives from health authorities …
GGKP announces Annual Conference call for abstracts
Conversations Important mainly because of your interaction with messages in the conversation. Click to teach Design Extensions Mail this conversation is not important. Hazel, Katherine (2), FW: Criterion and Gender Lens Investing, 8:53 am, Thank you Hazel! So glad to be part of your network! KC On Tuesday, August 12, …
Global assessment of best practices in green growth reveals pathways for success
Knowledge Update Issue 2014-5 1 …
CORPORATIONS WILL HAVE TO ABIDE TO HUMAN RIGHTS Source: Treaty Alliance: A resolution was adopted in the UN Human Rights Council on June 26 that will begin the process of elaborating an international legally binding instrument on business and human rights. Despite strong opposition from the EU and US, the …
Going With the Flow Battery
New flow batteries provide just the right energy storage for intermittent renewables such as solar and wind to guarantee constant supply throughout the grid Prof Peter Saunders A fully referenced and illustrated version of this article is posted on ISIS members website and is otherwise available for download here Please circulate widely and repost, …
The Green Economy Barometer
We at ethical markets are members of the Green Economy Coalition and are happy to present this new Green Economy Barometer which complements our own Green Transition Scoreboard® , which measures private investments worldwide since 2007, Hazel Henderson, editor Dear friends, How are governments, north and south, responding to …
Green Growth: High-level panel marks launch of GGKP office in Geneva
Knowledge Update Issue 2014-2 February 19, 2014 High-level panel marks launch of GGKP office in Geneva On 22 January, to mark the official Green Growth Knowledge Platform’s office, the GGKP, Swiss Government and Geneva Environment Network hosted a high-level panel debate on the topic of “Green Economy and Green Growth: Passing Fad …
CIW 2013 achievements and a sneak peak at what’s to come next year
Dear CIW International Advisory Network, At this time of year, we thought we’d reflect on a few of the many CIW 2013 achievements and give you a sneak peak at what’s to come next year: · Growing our data repository at uWaterloo: o Community Wellbeing Surveys were conducted in Kingston …
Scientists Declare No Consensus on GMO Safety
ISIS Report 21/10/13Scientists Declare No Consensus on GMO Safety#############################################A group of 93 scientists from all over the world deplore the disinformationover the safety of GMOs and expose the lack of empirical and scientificevidence on which the false claims of “consensus” on safety are being madeSign the statement or see the …