Press Release May 29, 2014 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Heads of Exclusive Global Institutions Call for “Inclusive …
Reverse the Curse of Economic Inequality
In 2013, we made significant progress towards increasing transparency, inclusion and responsibility in global financial-rule making. New Rules successfully convened developing country regulators and CSOs with the Financial Stability Board (FSB), strengthened engagement between civil society and the IMF, worked with partners to curb illicit financial flows from developing countries, …
ITUC OnLine – Financial Stability Board Must Deliver on G20’s Action Plan
INTERNATIONAL TRADE UNION CONFEDERATION ITUC OnLine 001/100112 Financial Stability Board Must Deliver on G20’s Action Plan As the first 2012 plenary of the Financial Stability Board (FSB) meets in Basel, international trade union organisations have submitted their priorities for the FSB. “The FSB’s Action plan for financial reforms has hit …
French bank becomes the first to introduce Tobin Tax
French bank becomes the first to introduce Tobin Tax Banks says tax will raise €100,000 per annum for Millennium Development Goals This step is very significant. It tells us that it has now made sense to a bank to introduce a Tobin tax on its own. Of course, the amount …