We at Ethical Markets agreed with this analysis by Prof Bar-Yam and his team at NECSI and we are fortunate that Dr. Bar-Yam is a member of our Advisory Board, Hazel Henderson, Editor Remember the food crisis of 2007 and 2008, when rapid and extreme increases in global food prices …
A deepening systemic crisis and rising social response
A deepening systemic crisis and rising social response In the third quarter of 2012, several climate records were broken, in the US, India, the Arctic and many other parts of the world. The economic crisis has gotten worse in Europe and has begun to knock on the doors of the …
Un Trade Report: Rise In Natural Resources Prices Appears To Be
UN TRADE REPORT: RISE IN NATURAL RESOURCES PRICES APPEARS TO BE HURTING POOR NATIONS New York, Apr 23 2012 3:05PM A sustained rise in prices for raw natural resources and basic agricultural goods is defying long-standing patterns and appears to be hurting poor nations through rising food and fuel costs …
ENB on the Side – Durban Climate Change Conference – November 2011 – Issue #1
EU-Africa Scientific Cooperation on Climate Change Presented by the European Commission, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation Luca Perez, European Commission (EC), presented successful scientific cooperation between the EU and Africa, focusing on the relationship among climate change and water, health and adaptive strategies. Perez summarized the Framework Programme, a seven-year …
Global CSR Summit 2011 Philippines
Global CSR Summit 2011 Philippines Ethical Markets is a media partner with the Global CSR Summit 2011, being held in Cebu City, Philippines, August 11-12. Asia’s most prestigious event on corporate social responsibility, The Global CSR Summit & The Global CSR Awards are in their third successive year. This year, …