Jay OwenTrendspotting

ARCTIC OPPORTUNITIES The Arctic has been warming twice as fast as the global average, and a new low was set for Arctic sea ice last year. Although the environmental concerns in the region are mounting, economic opportunities have also ramped up. Dennis D. Draeger, Researcher, Aiglatson Foresight Research  COMMENT     …

Public Hearing In The European Parliament

kristySRI/ESG News

PUBLIC HEARING IN THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT Brussels – 22 March 2012 (*) A European policy for employee ownership and participation I am delighted to invite you to a public hearing in the European Parliament, about: “A European policy for employee ownership and participation”. The hearing will take place on March …

Public Hearing in the European Parliament

kristyReforming Global Finance, SRI/ESG News

PUBLIC HEARING IN THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT Brussels – 28 February 2012 A European policy for employee ownership and participation I am delighted to invite you to a public hearing in the European Parliament, about: “A European policy for employee ownership and participation”. The hearing will take place on February 28, …