Ethical Markets has campaigned for 30 years to get all externalities internalized within company and public sector balance sheets. We salute the IMF for this report and I hope to review the full volume soonest. ~ Hazel Henderson,Editor IMF’s Blunt Message to Nations: Raise Fossil-Fuel Taxes to Fight Climate Change …
5 Industries Worried About Peak Oil
5 Industries Worried About Peak Oil The debate over the impact of peak oil has been raging for decades. Although few deny that the end of mass oil consumption is drawing nearer, educated estimates now range between 2020 and 2030. But more important than the timeframe of peak oil are its …
Friends of the Earth: European Investments Assist Land Grabs for Palm Oil in Liberia
European Investments Assist Land Grabs for Palm Oil in Liberia European funded palm oil expansion in Liberia linked to social and environmental damage Monday, 24 June 2013 Press Release European banks, pension funds and private equity funds have given financial assistance worth more than €450 million to Malaysian palm …
International Resource Panel launches metals recycling report
Available on on Thursday, May 26, 2011. Failure to recycle many metals around the world not only causes wasted resources and environmental damage, it threatens shortages of elements essential to modern technologies, according to the first-ever comprehensive analysis of the problem. Read the full press release…
The Green Transition: A Personal Note from Hazel Henderson
The global economy is now at a tipping point – emerging from the 300-year fossil-fueled Industrial Era to the cleaner, greener information-rich renewable energy societies which I predicted in my The Politics of the Solar Age in 1981. Although prominently reviewed in the New York Times and based on six …