The National Climate Assessment: Measuring Domestic Climate Impacts Thursday, May 8, 2014 2:00 – 3:30 PM 485 Russell Senate Office Building Constitution Avenue and 1st Street, NE Free and open to the public Please RSVP to expedite check-in A live webcast will be streamed at 2:00 PM …
The National Climate Assessment: Measuring Domestic Climate Impacts
The National Climate Assessment: Measuring Domestic Climate Impacts Thursday, May 8, 2014 2:00 – 3:30 PM 485 Russell Senate Office Building Constitution Avenue and 1st Street, NE Free and open to the public Please RSVP to expedite check-in The Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) …
EESI: 2013 Solar Industry Job Census Results
2013 Solar Industry Job Census Results *Includes release of new state-by-state job numbers* Tuesday, February 11, 2014 2:30 PM – 4:00 PM 2226 Rayburn House Office Building Free and open to the public Please RSVP to expedite check-in A live webcast will be streamed at 2:30 pm EST, February 11, 2014 here …
GEA Seeks Entries for the Best in Geothermal
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Shawna Seldon 917.971.7852 GEA Seeks Entries for the Best in Geothermal -Deadline Extended Until September 6– Washington, D.C. (August 6, 2013) – The Geothermal Energy Association (GEA) has extended the deadline to submit a nomination for GEA Honors 2013 to Friday, Sept. 6. “After two successful years …
UNVEILING AND EXPLAINING THE PRESIDENT’S PROPOSED FY’14 ENERGY BUDGET The non-profit Environment and Energy Study Institute held one of its many Congressional briefings, and on Friday, April 19th, the briefing was on The Administration’s proposed FY14 energy budget. Jason Walsh, Senior Advisor, Dept. of Energy Office of …
The 2014 Budget: Impacts on Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy
The 2014 Budget: Impacts on Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Friday, April 19, 2013 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM 210 Cannon House Office Building Free and open to the public Please RSVP to expedite check-in The Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) – in partnership with the House Renewable Energy …
Department of Energy Unveils ‘Energy 101’ Framework
Department of Energy Unveils ‘Energy 101’ Framework Colleges Urged to Create ‘Introduction to Energy’ Courses Open to All Undergraduates For Immediate Release For more information contact: Ellen Vaughan at (202) 662-1893 or March 12, 2013–In an effort to help address the array of energy challenges facing the country, …