Wed May 22, 2013 LATEST NEWS: Cleanweb: Is IT the Secret to a New Energy Future? Katherine Tweed – May 21, 2013 Entrepreneurs working to conserve our precious resources, one app at a time The Smart Meter Stimulus-Cash-to-Integration Equation font> Jeff St. John – May 21, 2013 How taxpayer-backed AMI projects …
Transition to Clean Energy Well Underway; U.S. Geothermal Growth Continues; All New 2013 Capacity From Renewables
Having trouble viewing this email? Click here research / reports / webinars / stock indexes / book / about Cleanwatch The e-Letter on Clean Technology from Clean Edge Welcome to Cleanwatch. Each issue offers the latest news, events, and other resources on clean energy, transportation, water, and materials. It’s Rocky, but Our Transition to Clean Energy is Well Underway by Clint …
ToYou from NewEnergyNews: Today’s Headlines
NewEnergyNews Daily Headlines click here for main page: On The Road Reading, Tuesday, January 15: While NewEnergyNews is on the road covering wind and solar conferences, check out these pieces written recently for Greentech Media. Back soon. * On The Road Reading: How Much Renewable Potential Does the US Have? Energy …
Zerofootprint’s VELObill:Utility Bill of the Future wins the Popular Choice Award in US Department of Energy’s ‘Apps for Energy’ competition
New York June 6, 2012 – The future just got more intelligent. New York based Zerofootprint’s VELObill: Utility Bill of the Future smart energy app just won the Grand Prize People’s Choice Award in the US Department of Energy’s Green Button “Apps for Energy” Competition, bumping up the nation’s energy …
The End of Market Innocence
The end of market innocence Mark Twain wrote a classic book back in the 19th Century, called The Innocents Abroad, in which he gives an hilarious account of an excursion of a group of American tourists to Europe and The Holy Land. The naive tourists are totally lost in the …
Today’s Study: The Energy Department’s Roadmap To A New Energy Economy
NewEnergyNews Daily Headlines click here for main page: Today At Newenergynews, October 3: * Today’s Study: The Energy Department’s Roadmap To A New Energy Economy * Quick News, October 3: Furious Solar Action; A-Power China Wind Suspended Fromnasdaq; Small Wind To Getbetter, Cheaper Sunday World, October 2: * Fight …