It’s Time to Kill the Car Culture, Drive a Stake Through Its Heart, and Electrify Mobility :

Ethical MarketsGreen Prosperity, Greentech

Tom Konrad CFA Stop debating the viability of electric cars, and work on fixing our broken transportation paradigm. My friend and colleague John Petersen has it in for the electric car.  Recently he wrote a summary of his anti-electric car views, entitled “It’s Time to Kill the Electric Car, Drive …

Scientists Inside the Rare Earth Debate Blogging on Alternatives


Earth Embargos, Supply Problems and the overall situation and longer term view Most of the world is dependent on China to supply rare earths as key raw materials used in many of the latest technologies from military hardware to electric cars, but China’s Ministry of Commerce is warning that its …

More CPV Action: Greenvolts Scores $7.5M in VC


More CPV Action: Greenvolts Scores $7.5M in VC Concentrating Photovoltaics still showing some life—even in a highly competitive PV market. SEIA and GTM Research Partner for Comprehensive U.S. Solar Market Analysis The two organizations announce a partnership for collecting and publishing market data. For Electric Cars, Startups Propose Solid-State Batteries …

Sulfurcell Inks Deal for 16MW


LS9’s Genetics Breakthrough—Will it Produce Biofuels at Scale? A genetic discovery could allow LS9 to produce biofuels by converting sugar directly to alkanes and fuels. SolarReserve’s Salty Solution for Solar Thermal Salt holds its heat better, but will the advantages get swamped by the trade-offs? Meter Data Management: Get a …