Why do almost all companies finance themselves mostly with equity, but Wall Street’s too-big-to-fail banks finance themselves almost 100 percent with borrowed money (debt), making them very unstable and at high risk of failure even if they only have tiny losses? Because those handful of gigantic banks (only 9 banks in the …
Financial Reform Newsletter: President Obama signing the historic financial reform law
On the eve of the 4th anniversary of President Obama signing the historic financial reform law, Better Markets released a national poll of likely 2014 voters to gauge their opinion of Wall Street, big banks and what leaders in Washington, D.C. are doing to protect them from another financial crash: What …
DON’T MISS 60 Minutes Sunday night
Sunday night, March 30th, 60 Minutes is doing a story on market structure, computer trading and Michael Lewis’s new book “Flash Boys: A Wall Street Revolt,” which is being released Monday. This show (and the book) are highly anticipated and hopefully will jump start the long simmering, but largely dormant discussion …