9th Annual AMI Monetary Reform Conference September 19-22, 2013 Chicago, Illinois Sign up by June 21st for a $285 donation instead of $395. A savings of $110! Hazel, The 2013 AMI Monetary Reform Conference is shaping up as an important event in the ongoing battle to achieve real monetary reform! This year’s speakers …
Conference of the American Monetary Institute: The historic 8th Annual AMI Monetary Reform Conference is now in the History Books
Conference of the American Monetary Institute, The historic 8th Annual AMI Monetary Reform Conference is now in the history books. What was historic about it? For starters, the deputy head of Research at the International Monetary Fund (IMF), presented his paper, “The Chicago Plan Revisited.” The Chicago Plan had been …
The 1930s Chicago Plan and the American Monetary Act
AMERICAN MONETARY INSTITUTE PO BOX 601, VALATIE, NY 12184 Tel. 518-392-5387, e-mail: ami@taconic.net http://www.monetary.org Stephen Zarlenga, Director Dedicated to the independent study of monetary history, theory, and reform The 1930s Chicago Plan and the American Monetary Act by Stephen Zarlenga, AMI Monetary Reform Conference, Chicago, October, 2005 (Notes: CP refers …