Financial Reform Newsletter July 23, 2014 Attention on the 4th anniversary of the landmark Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank) resumes: Better Markets’ new poll on voters’ unhappiness with the pace and extent of financial reform continues to get broad coverage: Check out this terrific editorial by Bloomberg News on …
Financial Reform Newsletter – April 16, 2014 – Financial Reform, the SEC and Better Markets Winning in the Courts.
Financial Reform Newsletter April 16, 2014 Financial Reform, the SEC and Better Markets Winning in the Courts. Wall Street’s too-dangerous-to-fail banks and their many allies have been trying to kill, gut or weaken financial reform by filing numerous lawsuits claiming that every rule must be subjected to what …
Better Markets: Smoking Gun Catches the SEC in a Lie: It’s Time for the SEC to Disclose its Secret Settlement Collusion with Wall Street.
Financial Reform Newsletter April 11, 2014 Smoking Gun Catches the SEC in a Lie: It’s Time for the SEC to Disclose its Secret Settlement Collusion with Wall Street. Two separate reports this week have scratched the surface of what could soon be a full-blown scandal at the SEC. First, a recently …
Financial Reform Newsletter :Another week, another too-big-to-fail bank pays billions to settle yet more claims for fraudulent and illegal conduct for contributing to the 2008 financial crash.
Financial Reform Newsletter March 28, 2014 Another week, another too-big-to-fail bank pays billions to settle yet more claims for fraudulent and illegal conduct for contributing to the 2008 financial crash. It was announced this week that Bank of America is paying $6.3 billion (and buying back an additional $3.2 billion …
Better Markets Featured in New Documentary on the Financial Crisis
Better Markets Featured in New Documentary on the Financial Crisis Fellow fighters for financial reform: We would like to let you know of a very important Frontline four-hour documentary “Money, Power and Wall Street” starting tonight and continuing on May 1 on PBS stations. Better Markets President and CEO Dennis …
Aviva SRI cull ‘part of wider fund management trend’
Aviva SRI cull ‘part of wider fund management trend’ The announcement yesterday by insurer Aviva that it is to close its sustainable and responsible investment equities desk is part of a wider realignment of the fund management industry, and does not reflect on the health of the SRI market, according …
Will Big Oil and Oil Speculators Take the Enron Fall? Or will they continue to get away with highway robbery?
An Article from Greentech Media Will Big Oil and Oil Speculators Take the Enron Fall? Or will they continue to get away with highway robbery? By: Herman K. Trabish April 29, 2011 With a barrel of oil now above $112 and rising, the five major oil companies are announcing Q1 …