Berlin Brussels Lima London Nairobi New Delhi Washington Dear friends, When compiling our latest newsletter, we realized just how eventful the last three months have been. From the Indian government’s creation of a task force to investigate offshore accounts to the Queen of England’s speech announcing the UK’s …
New MoU drives momentum in corporate reporting
New MoU drives momentum in corporate reporting International Integrated Reporting Council and Global Initiative for Sustainability Ratings pledge to work together to enhance quality of corporate reporting and ratings FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 31 March 2014 – The International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) and the Global Initiative for Sustainability Ratings (GISR) have signed a Memorandum of …
PRESS RELEASE – New pension fund trustee guide gives priority to long-term value
PRESS RELEASE – 06 March 2014 New pension fund trustee guide gives priority to long-term value Tomorrow’s Company calls for comply-and-explain to apply to pension fund trustee mandates Tomorrow’s Company, the London based global business think tank is launching a guide for pension fund trustees to …
News Alert: Released Today – International Integrated Reporting Framework
IIRC NEWS ALERT INTERNATIONAL INTEGRATED REPORTING FRAMEWORK RELEASED WITH BUSINESS AND INVESTOR SUPPORT The release today of the International Integrated Reporting (<IR>) Framework marks an important milestone in the market-led evolution of corporate reporting. It follows a three-month global consultation led by the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) earlier this …
As G8 leaders meet for summit focused on increasing transparency, 150 business leaders and investors gather to advance a market-led solution
As G8 leaders meet for summit focused on increasing transparency, 150 business leaders and investors gather to advance a market-led solution FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE As G8 leaders meet for summit focused on increasing transparency, 150 business leaders and investors gather to advance a market-led solution (London, Frankfurt June 18, 2013) – …
How I would lead the World Bank
How I would lead the World Bank By Jeffrey Sachs, Jeffrey Sachs is director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University. My quest to help end poverty has taken me to more than 125 countries, from mega-city capitals to mountaintop villages, from rain forest settlements to nomadic desert camps. Now …