Showtime To Launch Landmark Climate TV Series ‘Years Of Living Dangerously’ In April

Jay OwenGreen Prosperity, Sustainability News

Showtime To Launch Landmark Climate TV Series ‘Years Of Living Dangerously’ In April By Joe Romm on    January 13, 2014 at 5:23 pm “Showtime To Launch Landmark Climate TV Series ‘Years Of Living Dangerously’ In April“ Share: Share on facebook Share on google_plusone_share Share on email This April, Showtime will start airing its ground-breaking …

The Energy Collective: Paying For Climate Change Adaptations And Grid Resiliency

Jay OwenTrendspotting

Paying For Climate Change Adaptations And Grid Resiliency | The Energy Collective Daily

Last Week from ILSR’s Energy Self-Reliant States: Why Master Limited Partnerships are a Lousy Policy for Solar, Wind, and Taxpayers

Jay OwenResource Efficiency

A thorough explanation of what’s in Minnesota’s new solar law (net metering, CLEAN/FIT, and more!) and why I think Master Limited Partnerships (MLPs) would be a lousy idea for renewable energy. Sincerely, John Why Master Limited Partnerships are a Lousy Policy for Solar, Wind, and Taxpayers If you follow the renewable energy industry …

Green Economy Coalition: October Update

kristyGreen Prosperity

On the 7th of October, the eve of the 3GF, founders and friends of the GEC met in Copenhagen to decide on ‘what next’? Our members agreed that Green Economy is pushing innovation all over the world and civil society must be an equal co-architect with business and government as …

December PVNews Unveils New SREC Tracker

kristyGreen Prosperity

December PVNews Unveils New SREC Tracker SREC oversupply in New Jersey and Pennsylvania starts to strangle once-thriving markets. The Race to Scale in Solar Electronics: Tigo Banks $18M Are panel optimizers more than a niche? UISOL: Smart Grid Architect for Hire UISOL calls itself a “utility system integrator.” Will its …