Beyond GDP Measuring progress, true wealth, and the wellbeing of nations May 2014 newsletter Interview Quote In the spotlight In brief Agenda On the web In this edition of the Beyond GDP newsletter: Interview with Enrico Giovannini Quote from Wayne Visser Spotlight on Using beyond GDP …
The World Bank and its ‘new’ Poverty Approach
The World Bank and its ‘new’ Poverty Approach Francine Mestrum* ‘We should strive to eradicate absolute poverty by the end of this century’ said World Bank President Robert McNamara in 1973 at the annual meeting of the Bretton Woods Institutions. As we know, at …
New Bretton Woods Update (No.85) March/April 2013 out now
Bretton Woods Update No. 85 March/April 2013 PDF version Please find below the highlights of the Bretton Woods Update No. 85(March/April 2013). BRICS challenge IFIs: Out of the frying pan into the fire? Large middle-income countries jointly initiated alternatives to the World Bank and IMF in March, but advocates are …