Stone Paper meeting today in South Africa

Jay OwenGreentech


One of the Blue Economy projects is to make paper without water or tree fibers, re-using mining waste.  This year the production of stone paper will move towards the one million ton target in China!

Today the President of South Africa and the Minister of Mining is meeting with the unions and executives of the mining industry. It is a unique gathering.

I am honored to have been asked to contribute with one proposal for changing the economics of mining and creating a new business model that generates jobs. The South African Reserve Bank and the long term strategic research institute MISTRA have made this possible.

Here is my two page article that came out today. It is on the top of their agenda. I hope it will be soon at the top of their agenda for implementation.

Enjoy reading it and do send me your comments!




Gunter Pauli

Download the pdf: Stone Paper SA