A publication from UNEP
UNEP FI and the African insurance industry took the first steps of a global journey to develop sustainability principles for the insurance industry at the regional consultation meeting for Africa in mid-March.
Over 70 senior executives from the African insurance industry and its stakeholders attended the meeting in Johannesburg, South Africa. They set in motion an unprecedented process during which insurers from all corners of the world will collectively develop a global best practice framework to manage environmental, social and governance risks and opportunities, and a UN-backed global insurance initiative.
The inaugural meeting was jointly hosted by African insurer, Santam, and the South African Insurance Association.
The consultation process will travel all regions this year, with the meeting for Latin America and the Caribbean being hosted by HSBC Insurance from 16 to 17 May in São Paulo, Brazil. This will be followed by meetings for North America, Middle East and North Africa, Oceania, Europe and Asia.
The Johannesburg event was met with much interest by African insurers and led to extensive media coverage.
“As risk managers, risk carriers and investors, the insurance industry is uniquely positioned to lead in understanding a changing risk landscape and in managing global and systemic risks,” said UNEP FI’s programme leader Butch Bacani, who coordinates the initiative.
The process will culminate at the 2012 UN Conference on Sustainable Development in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, with the launch of finalised Principles for Sustainable Insurance as a landmark contribution to building a sustainable global economy.
2011 Global Roundtable now carbon neutral with new Green sponsor
Carbon asset management company First Climate pledged earlier this month to offset all carbon emissions arising from the UNEP FI 2011 Global Roundtable (GRT), bringing the October conference a step closer to its objective of environmental sustainability.
Despite UNEP FI’s efforts to reduce the GRT’s environmental footprint, in past years, over 70 percent of the two-day event’s overall emissions are estimated to have stemmed from air transportation to and from the event.
As the GRT Green sponsor, First Climate will, however, offset all carbon emissions generated by the event – about 100 tonnes.
“Beyond mandatory reduction policies, offsetting emissions on a voluntary base is an important part of the fight against climate change. First Climate is proud to support the UN in this regard,” said the company’s executive board member Sascha Lafeld.
In order to reach maximum environmental sustainability, UNEP FI also partners with one of the leading green-event organizer in the Washington D.C. area, Lori Hill Event Productions.
The GRT will take place on 19 and 20 October in Washington D.C. The 2011 edition’s theme is “The Tipping Point: Sustained stability in the next economy.” Confirmed speakers include the best-selling author of The Black Swan Nassim Taleb.
More information and registration here.
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