PERSPECTIVES: Forgive Them Father, For They Know Not…

Jay OwenGlobal Citizen, Advisors' Forum, The Power of Yin

“Ethical Markets highly recommends these wise words from our esteemed colleague Rinaldo Brutoco, President of our partner World Business Academy and a founding member of our illustrious global Advisory Board.   Enjoy!

~Hazel Henderson, Editor“








P E R S P E C T I V E S:

Forgive Them Father, For They
Know Not…

Goodbye to Patriarchy

By Rinaldo S. Brutoco

The following Perspectives column was published in the June 24, 2021 (online and printed) edition of the Montecito Journal as well as on the World Business Academy website.
This column is being written on Father’s Day—as the humorist Jim Gaffigan observed, “the government mandated day of paternal gratitude.” By now, everything conventional that needs to be written already has been. What motivates this column is to look behind the conventional nostrums of the day to the more basic, the more archetypal, the deeper regions of what it means to be a “father” as opposed to merely being a sperm donor.

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