Key Criteria for a Thriving Partnership | #3

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Happy Silver Anniversary to Dayna and Janine, co-founders of Biomimicry 3.8!

After 25 years, the ripple of impact of these two women has spawned countless manifestations of biomimicry and biomimics globally. Leading up to the Silver Anniversary Virtual Celebration on April 4, we are back in your inbox to share lessons inspired by mutualisms in nature—and the principles behind how Dayna and Janine’s partnership in biomimicry has thrived for two and a half decades!

Mutualisms in nature take many forms, yet all ultimately share the same outcome: prospering in a reciprocal partnership, where the success of one party supports the success of the other.

There are 4 key criteria for enduring mutualisms.
Today we’re highlighting the third:


As you learned in the last email, Janine focused on the noun and Dayna the verb. Equally important in the success of their partnership is the ease in offering the benefits to each other in the way that they did. In fact, it’s highly likely that each partner would be performing the same service even if they were not in partnership.

Janine loves to write (as the author of six books and countless chapters and articles). She also loves to gather success stories of strategies that work (by more than human and humans, alike). She loves to deeply research the science and get to know fellow scientists and curious beings. Dayna has a natural inclination to teach (not just biomimicry) and share ideas and fascinating stories about nature’s brilliance with others. She also loves strategically designing solutions to perplexing challenges, and building and supporting thriving teams to tackle wicked problems collaboratively.

Both Dayna and Janine share a passion for helping humans live generously with the rest of nature, and if they had never met each other, both would be offering exactly the same types of contributions to the world, but lacking the benefit of the reinforcing and expansive impact of doing it together. They have learned from nature that partnerships thrive when it is easy to bring your gifts to the exchange.

How might you apply this lesson to help your partnerships thrive?




To learn more about Dayna and Janine’s story following the principles behind successful mutualisms, stay tuned for our last email in this series! In the meantime, we encourage you to help us celebrate their Silver Anniversary—25 years as partners in biomimicry—by signing the anniversary card and sharing your top biomimicry memories to our photo album. And be sure to register for the April 4 virtual celebration—you won’t want to miss the fun!