Is Denmark the new American dream?

Jay OwenReforming Global Finance, Global Citizen, Sustainability News, Latest Headlines

“Denmark was one of the first nations to translate my “Politics of the Solar Age” (1981) and invite me to lecture in Copenhagen. I stayed in the home of the Mayor and her spouse, the Technology minister!!  Since then, so many visits and friends there!  In 1995, my book “The UN at 50: Policy and Financing Alternatives“, co-authored by Prof Inge Kaul and Harland Cleveland Elsevier, (1995,1996), was given a Press Conference at the opening day of the UN Social Summit, hosted by Dr. Juan Somavia, of Chile, with hundreds of heads of state and top ministers in attendance  ( see pictures in my Archives  at

Deepest gratitude to Danes for out-performing in our global economy!

~Hazel Henderson, Editor“


Fake news.Source: MoMo Productions/Digital Vision via Getty Images

In 1872, John Gast captured the American dream in his painting “American Progress,” in which the U.S. is famously depicted as a woman holding a book, bringing light from east to west, leaving a strand of telegraph wire in her wake:

Manifest Destiny.Source: Fotosearch/Getty Images

If a great painter tried to depict America today, things might look a bit different. Maybe Elon Musk lording over a land of Uber Eats drivers enduring structurally deficient bridges, storms of medical bills and crowds of pedestrians endlessly scrolling on their iPhones? Yes. And why is there such bad cell reception in this painting?

There are many reasons Americans are getting fed up with the land of the free, home of the brave and all its expensive gimmicks. So some people decide to book a one-way flight to a country with better health care, free education and a social safety net that would make Bernie Sanders drool. One such individual took to Reddit this week, certifying that his decision to move to Denmark was the best one he’s ever made:

I moved from the U.S. to Denmark and wow

  • It legitimately feels like every single job I’m applying for is a union job
  • The average salaries offered are far higher
  • About 40% of income is taken out as taxes, but at the end of the day my family and I get free healthcare, my children will GET PAID to go to college, I’m guaranteed 52 weeks of parental leave (32 of which are fully paid), and five weeks of paid vacation every year.

The new American Dream is to leave America.

The post has since received nearly 75,000 upvotes, and no wonder. Denmark has a pretty solid track record for being one of the world’s happiest nations. Most recently, it landed at second place on the World Happiness Report, right behind Finland. America, on the other hand, ended up in 16th place. Continue reading