Greenleaf Publishing will be attending the
6th International Conference on Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility at Humboldt-University Berlin, 8-9 October 2014.
We invite you to come along to our stand in the Senatsaal to take a look at our new publications, including conference speaker Witold J. Henisz’s Corporate Diplomacy: Building Reputations and Relationships with External Stakeholders.
Witold will be taking part in a ‘Meet the Authors’ session with Sandra Waddock during the conference.
Greenleaf is currently inviting new proposals, so if you would like to discuss a book proposal with us, please come along to our stand or contact Anna Comerford ( to arrange a convenient time in advance.
More information can be found here, and at
A Conference Mobile App available for your smartphone/tablet will enhance your experience at the CSR-Conference. Browse and search the program, plan and save your schedule, connect with fellow attendees, join the online conversation, and more. To gain access to the app, you have to be registered for the conference as a participant. Please visit the Conference Website to keep up to date with the latest news about the conference.
Greenleaf Publishing is pleased to announce this event on behalf of Humboldt-University Berlin.
We cordially invite you to attend the upcoming 6th International Conference on Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility, 8-9 October 2014, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
The series of CSR-Conferences has established itself as the world’s premier international forum for exploring the global themes of corporate sustainability and responsibility in all its manifold dimensions. Every two years since 2004, around 500-600 leading academics, executives, policymakers, and representatives from civil society organizations from around the world have been meeting in Berlin to debate key questions from a diverse range of cultural perspectives and professional viewpoints.
The upcoming conference will focus on “Innovating for Sustainability” by exploring the integration of the vast knowledge we possess on organizational and product innovation with the work on CSR. Given the challenge to global sustainability, incremental improvements are not enough to meet this challenge. Instead, sustainability-driven creative destruction increases the likelihood of improving value creation for companies and societies.
The Plenary Sessions include keynote lectures
from John Elkington, Tima Bansal, Timothy Devinney, Robert Eccles, Elaine Cohen and Leslie Gaines-Ross. They will discuss the issues of breakthrough innovation, innovating for sustainability, investors and sustainability, and corporate reputation. These sessions represent an opportunity to hear from academic and practice thought leaders.
There will be 32 Parallel Sessions covering topics including: the evolution of corporate reporting, innovating for creating shared value, CSR communications, sustainability oriented innovations, quo vadis stakeholder dialogue days, sustainable social entrepreneurship, corporate and stakeholder responsibility, plus many more thought provoking topics. Speakers include Sandra Waddock and Stefan Schaltegger.
A special highlight of the conference will be the Lifetime Achievement CSR Award 2014 being given to R. Edward Freeman.