Gems From Earth-friendly A Quality Standard for Gemstone |
An Initiative of Ethical Markets Media and the EthickMark Awards for Advertising |
There is a social disconnect in giving mined gemstones linked to
- wars and human rights abuses
- poor living conditions
- child labor
- environmental degradation as tokens of love
Take the pledge!
Pledge, whether for yourself or gift-giving, never to purchase mined gems. Choose jewelry crafted from lab-created gems or sustainably sourced organic materials. Keep mined pieces with sentimental value and gift away, to loved ones or good causes, jewelry comprised of mined stones.
EthicMark GEMS Mission
EthicMark GEMS challenges global mining of gems –
Unnecessary now that human science creates gems indistinguishable from those mined.
EthicMark GEMS certifies only gems created by Earth-friendly materials science, are conflict and cruelty free, more humane and sustainable.
Hazel Henderson, CEO Ethical Markets, and LaRae Long, Executive Director of Ethical Markets, have pledged to adhere to the EthicMark® GEMS standard.
In their own lives, this manifests as choosing, henceforth, never to purchase jewelry which does not meet the standard. Read our personal pledges.
As the EthicMark®GEMS standard evolves, as all things in nature do, we welcome your feedback.
What is your impression?
What might improve the standard?
For questions or comments please contact us at:
Ethical Markets Media, LLC
St. Augustine, FL 32084
Phone: 904-829-3140