Enabling through Technology

Jay OwenSRI/ESG News, Beyond GDP

IIRC Newsletter – August Edition

Enabling <IR> through Technology 

The best use of technology to help implement integrated thinking and <IR> is proving to be a key challenge for organizations. As a result, the IIRC is inviting technology companies to come together in the <IR> Technology Initiative to help them consider what products and services will enable organizations to effectively carry out <IR>. The <IR> Technology Initiative will forge new paths to deliver real advancements in the way technology is employed to assist in the process of <IR>.

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To mark the launch of the <IR> Business Network next month, we are pleased to announce limited places have been made available, for businesses interested in learning from leading Pilot Programme participants and progressing their corporate reporting, at this year’s IIRC Pilot Programme Conference, held in partnership with PwC.

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<IR> takes hold in India

CFOs of some of India’s largest companies are part of a new Indian <IR> Lab which will drive business adoption and support practical implementation of <IR> in an Indian business and regulatory context.

Over 20 leaders from business, academia and regulators met in Mumbai on 19 August 2014 to launch the Indian <IR> Lab, an initiative brought about by the collaboration between the IIRC and the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII). Koushik Chatterjee, CFO of Tata Steel, chairs the Lab, which includes some of India’s leading CFOs.

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Malaysian companies back PM’s <IR> call

Listed Malaysian businesses have responded to a statement by the Malaysian Prime Minister by declaring their intention to produce integrated reports. Malaysian Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak told business leaders in Kuala Lumpur that the first of the companies listed on Bursa Malaysia will be practicing <IR> by 2016. Speaking at the Business Leaders Dialogue Session on 26 August, the Prime Minister said, “I am pleased to share with you that Sime Darby Bhd will be adopting <IR> by 2016, making it the first company in Malaysia to do so.”

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Global assurance debate kicks off

The topic of assurance on <IR> has gained the attention of multiple stakeholders whose concern is ensuring integrated reports contain investment grade information, following the release of two papers on assurance by the IIRC in July 2014. The debate is focusing on the role of assurance, the extent to which it is necessary, and the role internal assurance has to play. 

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Blog Post:

 ‘The Trilemma of Reporting’

Thorsten Pinkepank

‘The stepping stones towards more forward looking corporate reporting’

Paul Druckman

Contact: pippa.whittaker@theiirc.org

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