CSR Wire: Don’t Be Evil: What’s the Matter with Google?

Jay OwenGlobal Citizen, Articles by Hazel Henderson



Don’t Be Evil: What’s the Matter with Google?

Has Google lost its way?

Why is the organization now funding regressive organizations fronting for the fossilized sectors and legacy incumbent interests holding back the green Google-do-no-evileconomy? What happened to the founders’ mission of catalyzing a whole-system transition from the fossil-fueled Then there is the organization’s misplaced R&D efforts narrowly focused on linear, often trivial extensions of IT, like Google Glass and its privacy implications. Hazel Henderson, a long time supporter of the company recently sold her stock in Google despite holding on to it when it sank below 300.

What prompted her decision to retract her support for Google? Has the king of the internet truly lost its way? Henderson writes a fiery letter to the Talkback.

What Will Disrupt Your Year? Join the #CSR2014 Twitter Chat

What Will Disrupt Your Year? Join the #CSR2014 Twitter Chat

Last year was an eventful year in csr and sustainability: from severe climate events to the continued growth of benefit corporations, multi-sector standard setting organizations and the rise of social… Read More.

Join our special guests on 02/12 at 12pm ET!

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