CSR Asia Weekly: The real price of cheap clothes / Sustainable palm oil agenda / Water Security

Jay OwenSRI/ESG News

Vol. 9 Week 16 | 02 May 2013    


Corporate Community Investment Forum 2013, Singapore

A pioneering forum which will give delegates access to the latest research and trends on corporate community investment in the Asean Region, with a specific focus on impact measurement.

Click here for more details.

CSR and the Media seminars in Hong Kong and Singapore

The Asia-Pacific Media Alliance for Social Awareness (The Media Alliance) and CSR Asia are organising a one-day seminar on “The CSR practices and policies of the Media, Advertising and Entertainment Sectors in Asia” in both Hong Kong (7 May 2013) and Singapore (8 May 2013). The event will look at best policies and practices of media companies in giving visibility to social, humanitarian, environmental and sustainable development issues through programming content and public service advertising.

Please find more details here


The real price of cheap clothes?

In real terms, clothes have never been so cheap! Outsourcing of production to low cost economies such as Bangladesh is one of the reasons for this … Read more

Carbon, business ethics and human rights included in the sustainable palm oil agenda

On 25 April, members of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) voted with a vast majority to raise the bar for their certification standard, the RSPO Principles & Criteria (P&C), which was first launched in 2007 …Read more

Water Security in Asia-Pacific

Water security has become an issue on the national development agenda in Asia-Pacific region. Water security in Asia and the Pacific is under threat for many reasons: rising population, urbanisation … Read more

Enroll in the upcoming course of our Professional Master’s in CSR!

Join us for the next module on Development, Poverty Alleviation and Social Business  which can also be taken as a ‘stand-alone’ training course. The module will be delivered in Bangkok over four intensive days from Friday 7 to Monday 10 June 2013. This course examines the contributions that businesses can make to sustainable development with a particular emphasis on poverty alleviation. It also looks into innovative business practices associated with social enterprises, inclusive business, and the role business can play in poverty reduction by engaging people across the value chain. 

Interested applicants can visit the Professional Master’s Degree in CSR webpage or email the programme manager Clelia Daniel at [email protected].

Strategy and Implementation (1 day)
May 6, 2013

Strategy and Implementation (2 days)
May 13-14, 2013
Hong Kong

Development, Poverty Alleviation and Social Business (4 days) 
June 7-10, 2013

Corporate Community Investment (CCI) Forum 
June 12, 2013

CSR Essentials (New Content) 
June 13, 2013

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